Why Build Wealth

Most people knew me or know of me as being more of a real estate wholesaler or house flipper.  Even though I’ve always liked wholesaling, I still like wholesaling and still do quite a bit of it, that’s not really what I identify with anymore. My approach these days is focused on building wealth and it really doesn’t matter what that’s coming from, whether it’s wholesaling houses, flipping houses, rentals, other entrepreneurial endeavors, coaching, whatever, it all goes together, because the whole point of it is to create more wealth. That’s my biggest focus and my passion these days. Real estate is a great avenue for that, but real estate’s not the thing that I’m extremely passionate about. My passion is wealth building and teaching others how to build more wealth and live a life of abundance.  

One thing I’ve noticed is there’s not really much information out there that teaches how to build wealth in a systematic manner. There’s countless books and courses out there that teach how to make money through real estate, or sales, or business, or online marketing. There’s tons of stuff out there that teaches that but there’s really not that much that teaches wealth building. If you look at stuff like Dave Ramsey’s information, it teaches people basically how to become debt free, but it doesn’t really teach much beyond that, aside from throwing your money into a mutual fund, which is not really the best advice. Then you have people like Grant Cardone that’s teaching people how to get into multifamily investing. The average person can’t jump into that until 10 or 20 years down the road without raising millions in capital. So there’s really not that much that’s in between the two to where the average person can put some things in place and start building pretty significant wealth over the years. So that’s my goal, that’s what I’m going to teach you. 

Building wealth, and let’s call it getting rich, are completely different, they’re completely opposites from each other. Let me explain. Forbes describes somebody as rich as making a million dollars a year or more. There’s a lot of people that make a million dollars or more per year that are still broke, their expenses might be $800,000 – $900,000 a year. I know of several people that are making seven figures that have very little in savings and no assets. So there’s lots of rich people out there, but the percentage of the population that is actually wealthy and growing their wealth is pretty small. Becoming wealthy really comes down to habits, it comes down to discipline, it comes down to fundamentals, and it comes down to a philosophy behind it that is almost guaranteed that if you follow those, you’ll get wealthy over time. 

One of the reasons I think building wealth is so fascinating is because there’s a confidence that’s behind it, there’s a confidence with building wealth. Making a lot of money is great, making lots of money is exciting, but building wealth gives you peace and confidence that you just can’t describe. 

Imagine with me for a minute… this is March… Imagine at the end of April, you’re wealthier than you were in March. At the end of May, you’re wealthier than you were in April. At the end of June, you’re wealthier than you were in May. And every single month, your wealth increases, because you have the fundamentals in place, because you have a philosophy that you live by, because you have the discipline, because you have the habits that make you wealthier every single month and by doing so it gives you peace and confidence to where you know what your future looks like. 

Becoming wealthy is a different focus. It’s a different focus than trying to get rich. In my opinion, the focus on getting rich is kind of ego based, it’s all about what you can get out of it. Whereas building wealth is as much what you can give back as it is what you can get out of it. I look at somebody that’s extremely wealthy, and every single person I know that’s extremely wealthy gives a ton of money to organizations, to their churches, to people in need, Because they can, because they have so much coming in, they have such a surplus that it only makes sense to give back. 

Becoming wealthy is about providing for your family. You’re setting things up to where your kids are in a place. It’s not so much about giving them a lot, rather you’re giving them the tools, you’re helping them understand the same philosophy that you have, you’re helping instill the habits and discipline in them to where they take over and they do the same thing… and that’s how you build generational wealth. It’s not about handing down a lump sum of cash or handing down a portfolio of assets. History shows when that happens, within the third generation it’s all spent, it’s all gone. When you just give it all to the next generation, they generally don’t have everything in place to handle it properly. They don’t have the skill sets, the network, they don’t have habits, the discipline, etc. Instead, they get this giant gift that they don’t know how to deal with and then the next thing they know, they blow it all. 

So becoming wealthy is about grooming your family to do the same thing. And being wealthy gives you control of your time. Imagine, you’ll be able to go on vacation, whether it be a week, a month, or whatever you want to do and when you come back, there’s no fear that you spent the money because you know that next month, there is the same amount or more coming in than it was this month. That’s confidence, that’s control of your time. You want to get to a point where you control your time where you’re not controlled by a boss, a job, a business or anything. Your money is out there working for you and you’re not dependent on earning or getting something from somebody else. Your money is out there working for you and you know that because it’s doing its job and in the right places, it’s gonna come back to you even more. 

Finally, building wealth is about giving back in bigger ways. More than anything, building wealth is just a different mindset. Building wealth takes different habits and different disciplines. I’ve heard it said that getting rich takes skill sets. It takes a skill set to become rich. You can’t get rich without a skill set that allows you to make a lot of money. But building wealth is about discipline, it’s about learning how to keep that money and then learning how to take that money and make it grow. There’s discipline and there’s habits that come with wealth building, that just making money doesn’t get you. And then with wealth building, there’s also a lot of planning that takes place. It’s not just about making money, there’s planning that takes place where you’re not only planning for the next year, the next five years, but you’re potentially planning for 20 years down the road and you’re putting those pieces in place to protect you, and to set you up for success not only now but decades later. 

That’s the WHY behind getting wealthy. Obviously we want as much lifestyle and as much of the good life that we can get out of it. But in my opinion, building wealth is about giving back and it’s about setting the people around you up for success to where they inherit the habits, tools, discipline and knowledge that you put in place.