The Wealthy Live In a State of Humility

The wealthy and the world class live in a state of humility, while the masses live in a state of ego. Now, I’m willing to bet that there’s gonna be a lot of people that think it’s just the opposite. They are going to think that the wealthy have an ego and sometimes that can be true, but not in the definition that I’m talking about. Generally, the wealthy have a very high self-concept. A high self-concept is not the same thing as ego. But a high performer, the wealthy, the world class, will almost always have a high self-concept because in order for them to constantly go out and achieve, they have to think highly enough about themselves in order to do that. Somebody without a high self-concept is not going to put themselves out there. 

So here’s what I mean by ‘the wealthy practice humility’. They go into everything with an attitude of “I don’t know and I want to learn how.” So to me, that is practicing humility, by saying, “I don’t know the answer, but I am going to seek it out”. Whereas, the masses will always pretend that they know. They’ll always pretend that they have the answer even when they don’t. 

I was at the gym recently, I’ve been watching these guys for months, there’s this group of young guys probably 17 to 20 and let’s just say they’re in mediocre shape. But It’s the blind leading the blind with them. They’re constantly like telling each other what to do, trying to train each other when they don’t have the tools and haven’t been equipped yet with decades of experience. They have an ego. If they were living with humility, they’d seek out the best trainer, or most in shape guy/gal in the gym and ask them for some guidance so they can reach their desired condition much quicker. 

Same thing just last week, there were a couple guys in the locker room. The young guy is really well built, great conditioning, and works hard every time he’s in the gym…He’s probably mid to late 20s, you could tell he’s been training for years and knows what he’s doing. Then theres a  guy that looks like he has never worked out a day in his life, telling him what to do, “Oh, no, your training routine is wrong, This is what you should be doing” When this guy looks like he has never worked out a day in his life. It’s the ignorance and it’s the ego that has this guy that looks like he has no idea what he’s doing, telling the other guy, this is what you should be doing. 

It’s always like this. You will very seldomly see a wealthy or successful person running their mouth. Rather they are generally sitting on the sideline, quiet and observing. It’s the ego and ignorance filled masses that are always telling people what to do when they have never experienced those results themselves.  

If you pay attention you’ll find the masses will generally pretend that they have the answer even when they don’t because it’s their ego that keeps them from asking the valuable questions. How do you do this? Who can show me? What’s the path? Where do I need to invest? Who do I need to talk to? Whereas the wealthy ask those questions. They’re always in a state of humility saying, “I don’t know…..” They’re always in a state of humility saying, “I don’t know the answer, and I’m going to find the person that does know the answer, I’m going to go learn the skill set, I’m going to find the truth of how to do this so that I can become better”. And they care so much about it, about finding the answer, the truth, that generally they’re willing to pay a pretty considerable amount of money in order to find that answer. You can almost always count on being the opposite of what people think it is. People think that the wealthy or the successful are the ones with an ego because of programming and the media, but generally it’s just the complete opposite. They don’t have an ego, instead, they have such a lack of ego that they will admit that they’re wrong or they’ll admit that they don’t know. Start living in that state of humility and start searching for the truth and the answers.