Just Signed To Purchase This 3 Bedroom House In Carlisle

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are purchasing for 120k and plan to wholetail it for 160-165k.

It also comes with an extra lot that we will build a New house on and sell. Should be able to factor in a profit of 25k for it.

The seller wanted to sell and rather than worrying about price I sought out to understand what his concerns were. He wanted to sell but didn’t want to move for a few months… needed time to locate a new place to closer to family. So I proposed that we buy it and close next month to get him his proceeds, but will allow him to stay through end of June rent free. This allows him all the time he needs and gets him his money quickly so he can make those decisions better. It also works for us… since we close next month we can begin the building of the new house and ideally have it done before the new school year starts making it an easier sale. If we waited to close on the transaction till end of June then it’s likely we wouldn’t finish the new build until 4th Qtr when sales start to slow.

People always think it’s about price and that’s how amateurs negotiate. Pretend price doesn’t matter at all and focus on getting them what they want for everything else and they will be much more likely to meet you at the price you need.
