People Asking And Wondering Where To Invest Their Money

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here are a few key pieces of advice…

1. No investment is 100% safe or “right”. There are several places to invest that are much safer than others, but nothing is 100% guaranteed.

2. Never invest on a “tip”. Not only could that person be wrong, but more importantly you’re making an unconscious decision and essentially saying “I don’t have the confidence and knowledge to know what to do, nor am I willing to learn, so I’ll take this persons word for it”. Investing on a tip almost always leads to loss… eventually.

3. Most Important!! Invest in yourself first. Investing in yourself, your own development, your own skills and knowledge will have infinitely higher returns than any investment ever will.

Last weekend my step daughter and I were at an event to learn about a new class of real estate to venture into. I invested $30,000 into the coaching program. I explained to her how it works, “if I were to invest the $30,000 and make a 10% return (which is good), I’d make $3,000. What has $3,000 ever done for anyone? However, by investing $30,000 into coaching and learning a new business model and skill set it’ll allow us to make potentially millions over time.”

Never stop investing in yourself. Be willing to spend that money on YOU!! You are the most important asset you’ll ever own. Invest, learn, implement, scale… repeat.

Investing in yourself should be a part of your overall investing philosophy…
