Are You Planting For A Few Money Trees Or For An Entire Orchard?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What’s the biggest difference between those that have some passive income to live off of vs money coming in so fast and so abundantly that they can’t even spend it all? The answer… those with an orchard of money trees re-invest the income from their investments. It’s admirable that anyone can build up some passive investments, especially when it helps them exit the rat race and they can start living life on their terms. But there’s another level. In my opinion investments are not to be lived on… aka eating your Cashflow. When you work, whether it be a job or for yourself you are earning income. This should never end. There are numerous studies showing the benefits of working, or producing. By working and producing you are adding value to the world so why should that ever end? Therefore, the income created from earning should be lived on, and any excess should be invested (more on percentages in a later post).So most people invest their hard earned income. Ideally they are investing into cash flowing assets. But here is where the buck stops for most people. They expand their lifestyle and start eating their Cashflow. Their investments never have a chance to multiply into additional assets and additional income. When you reinvest your investment earnings you create a perpetual never ending investment philosophy. It’ll grow to infinite proportions, far more than you can ever spend if you give it enough time. This is the key to building legacy wealth and giving back on a scale that truly makes an impact.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]