
How To Make Loads Of Cash
In The Shortest Time Possible, Without EVER Risking Any Of Your Own Money Or Credit.

Learn the ‘Simplest’ way to make fast cash, Now!


How To Make
Loads Of Cash

In The Shortest Time Possible, Without EVER Risking Any Of Your Own Money Or Credit.

Learn the ‘Simplest’ way to make fast cash, Now!

Ever wonder how to get started in real estate and how to make big profits quickly?

If so, keep reading…


My Story

Years ago I stumbled upon a strategy that changed my life forever.

Up to that point I was getting established as a real estate investor, but truth be told, I was doing things backwards.


I found my way into real estate by buying rental properties. For the first year my partner and I bought nearly a dozen rental properties. Sounds good right!?


The reality is we were sinking, or at least I was!  He had a 6 figure salary, whereas I was the one with the boots on the ground doing the real estate everyday and without a paycheck. I needed CASH! (Yesterday!)


I had quit my job and went full-time into real estate. To say my back was against the wall would be an understatement. I was desperate for cash.


At the end of our first year we started to flip a couple houses. I did a couple with him and a couple with another friend. Next thing I knew I had tens of thousands of cash in the bank. Things were getting better!


After learning how to fix and flip houses I had built a skillset that was making me enough money to where I didn’t need a partner anymore. So I broke off the partnership and went out on my own.


After another year and flipping dozens of houses things were really looking up. I now had hundreds of thousands in the bank.


But I wanted to go faster, and quite honestly I didn’t want to have to work so hard for each paycheck… or wait so long.

The Search for a Better Way

The Search for a Better Way

Flipping houses is great, and I still do it. But it’s a lot of work and can be 4-6 months before you see the profit. And if flipping houses is all you do then you can likely relate to the roller coaster. Huge paydays followed by nothing for weeks or months at a time.


I wanted a way to fill in the gaps. I needed profits on a regular basis, similar to a job, but I wanted a way to pay me far more than a job ever would.


That led me to paying $10,000 to go learn about real estate wholesaling. I’ll get into more about wholesaling in a minute. But let me tell you about what wholesaling has done for me and how it’s radically changed my life and how it can for you too.

The Game Changer

I remember the first wholesale I ever did. After spending $10,000 on the seminar and learning about wholesaling I came back to town and had another strategy to work with. 


I no longer needed to fix and flip everything. After all, not every property makes for a great flip.

I got a lead on a house and put it under contract with the seller. I didn’t want to flip it, but it was a decent deal. So instead I flipped the contract over to one of my friends and made a quick $7,500.


I had less than an hour into the deal and made $7,500!! “Ok, I like this, that was really quick and easy… just what I needed!!” I thought to myself.


After realizing how quick and simple wholesaling was I started selling off more of my deals as wholesales, regularly selling them for $3,000-$7,500 profits. But I wanted to go bigger. So I started pushing for bigger profits.


As my skillset increased, the next thing I knew I was doing $20,000 wholesale deals.


Your life will change mighty quick when you start cashing regular $20,000 checks.


In fact, it becomes a skillset. And when it becomes a skillset you can literally do it anytime and anywhere.

Living the Dream

Recently I bought a beautiful Mercedes S560. It’s a few years old but with only 17,000+ miles on it. 


I paid over $75,000 for it.

That might seem like a lot, but it’s not when you have a skillset that can provide you that profit in a matter of 30 days.


In fact, the week before I bought the Mercedes I put two houses under contract and immediately had them resold for a total of $45,000. (Pictured).


A couple more deals and the car is paid for in full.


Want to buy that dream car? A small handful of wholesale deals.


Want to take your loved ones on an epic vacation? 1-2 wholesale deals.

In fact, I did just that. Once I learned how to wholesale I took my family on a dream vacation to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. We lived it up! Stayed in a $1500/night suite, swam with the dolphins, toured the yachts, and more.


Truly a dream vacation.


It cost about $15,000. In fact, I was getting a little stressed by the end of the vacation knowing how much was being spent. But as I was standing at the shore, staring out into the crashing waves I had a realization….

“If I had a skillset that could afford to get me here, then I have a skillset that can allow me a way to do it again when I get back home.” 

This immediately took the worry away. I decided to be present with my family and not worry about the cost. I had that covered.

How much better would your life be if you had that ability? The Ability To generate huge profits at will?

How much better would your life be if you had that ability? To generate huge profits at will?

The Power of Wholesaling

People make wholesaling so much harder than it has to be. They spend tons of time building huge buyers lists. They hire VA’s. They send out a complicated analysis of the deal to a large list of buyers, through a complicated software.


It doesn’t have to be that difficult. Let me explain…


Wholesaling is all about getting a house under contract at a price that someone else would pay more for. Then selling your contract to a buyer for a markup. The markup depends on how good of deal you got. That’s it. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

The Power of Wholesaling

People make wholesaling so much harder than it has to be. They spend tons of time building huge buyers lists. They hire VA’s. They send out a complicated analysis of the deal to a large list of buyers, through a complicated software.

It doesn’t have to be that difficult.


Let me explain.


Wholesaling is all about getting a house under contract at a price that someone else would pay more for. Then selling your contract to a buyer for a markup. The markup depends on how good of deal you got. That’s it. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

More importantly, when you understand that there are literally an unlimited amount of deals out there, and tons of buyers that want to buy them, you realize you are sitting on millions in opportunity.


What’s equally great is the fact that you get to make huge profits from houses that you want nothing to do with. If you are going to entertain fixing and flipping or owning rental properties then you will probably get a pretty narrowed approach of what type of properties you are willing to do.


Whereas with wholesaling you get to make money off everything you don’t want to do!! That is amazing!!!


Not many businesses offer a way to make money on the stuff you actually don’t want.

  • You can make hundreds of thousands off houses in the roughest part of town that you want nothing to do with. But your buyers might like to buy there.
  • You can make hundreds of thousands off little one bedroom houses that you’d never want to own. But you might have buyers that like to buy them.
  • You can  make hundreds of thousands off really distressed houses that should be torn down. But you might have buyers that like to do those extensive repairs.
  • You can make hundreds of thousands off more expensive homes that you can’t afford. But you might have buyers that can buy them. 

When you understand this, you realize you can make huge profits on any type of house, in any type of location.

The Super Simple System

Over time my approach became more and more simplified. So much to where I never have more than an hour invested into my wholesales.


Yes! That means I am making tens of thousands in less than an hour. And You can Too!


In fact, last year I had my biggest wholesale to date of $50,000. My assistant took the lead and set the appointment. I went to the appointment and met with the lady for 30 minutes, signed the contract, and drove back home. I then sent out one text message and had it sold right away… for a $50,000 markup!!


I have students that are doing this too. In fact, Nathan just did his third deal. His first two deals were super easy and profited him $5,000 and $7,500 and his third deal just came in at under $9,000.

Now, the great thing about this is that it’s a skillset. And when you have a skillset, you can do it anytime you want, over and over again.


And since it’s a skillet, it doesn’t matter your age, education, background, family tree, or any number of other obstacles that might normally come up. None of it matters.

So here’s the big question…


Are You Ready?

More importantly, when you understand that there are literally an unlimited amount of deals out there, and tons of buyers that want to buy them, you realize you are sitting on millions in opportunity.


What’s equally great is the fact that you get to make huge profits from houses that you want nothing to do with. If you are going to entertain fixing and flipping or owning rental properties then you will probably get a pretty narrowed approach of what type of properties you are willing to do.


Whereas with wholesaling you get to make money off everything you don’t want to do!!


That is amazing!!!


Not many businesses offer a way to make money on the stuff you actually don’t want.


  • I’ve made hundreds of thousands off houses in the roughest part of town that I want nothing to do with. But I have buyers that like to buy there.
  • I’ve made hundreds of thousands off little one bedroom houses that I’d never want to own. But I have buyers that like to buy them.
  • I’ve made hundreds of thousands off really distressed houses that should be torn down. But I have buyers that like to do those extensive repairs.
  • I’ve made hundreds of thousands off more expensive homes that I couldn’t afford at the time.


When you understand this, you realize you can make huge profits on any type of house, in any type of location.

The Super Simple System

Over time my approach became more and more simplified. So much to where I never have more than an hour invested into my wholesales.


Yes! That means I am making tens of thousands in less than an hour.


In fact, last year I had my biggest wholesale to date of $50,000. My assistant took the lead and set the appointment. I went to the appointment and met with the lady for 30 minutes, signed the contract, and drove back home. I then sent out one text message and had it sold right away… for a $50,000 markup!!


I have students that are doing this too. In fact, Nathan just did his third deal. His first two deals were super easy and profited him $5,000 and $7,500 and his third deal just came in at under $9,000.

Now, the great thing about this is that it’s a skillset. And when you have a skillset, you can do it anytime you want, over and over again.


And since it’s a skillet, it doesn’t matter your age, education, background, family tree, or any number of other obstacles that might normally come up. None of it matters.

Are You Ready?

So here’s the big question…

Are you ready to add this amazing skillset to your life?

A fun way to make huge profits. I mean, wouldn’t it be better to wake up in the morning when you want, go grab coffee, then have fun hunting deals as opposed to grinding out a job day after day!

An opportunity that has no limit…Literally, you can’t run out of houses.

A way to pay off crushing debt. You’ll never pay off debt with a part time job. But when you have a skillset that brings in $5,000-$50,000 pay days. Not only will you pay off debt, but you can pay off your entire mortgage in record time (like I did). And finally live debt free!

A way to pay for the fun things in life that you really, really want. That dream vacation, sports car, pool, dream kitchen, or even new house.

Can I show you how I can help?

Can I show you how I can help?
And it won’t cost you $10,000 like I paid.

Admittedly, I run things a little differently than most real estate millionaires. I don’t have a huge staff. Instead, I only have one assistant, my stepdaughter.


I don’t have a fancy office. Just a small desk, chair and scanner/ copier, at my house.


And I don’t work a crazy amount of hours. Only about 4 Hours a day on average.

And I make on average $500,000- $800,000 per year.


I don’t tell you this to brag… at all.


I tell you to hammer home the point that I intentionally simplified this business. A business model so simple that literally anyone can do it.


It wasn’t long ago that I had the business model that most people think they want, until they actually do it. I was trying to scale. We got up to doing over 100 deals per year and Millions in revenue.


But our overhead skyrocketed with it. With the increase in deals, came an increase in the amount of people needed to complete the deals.


Our overhead jumped from something very modest to over $65,000 per month which was causing my stress and anxiety of making payroll each week.


On top of that, there was drama in the office as we added more employees.


None of it is what I signed up for. I just wanted a way to make more money, lower my stress, and have more fun in life.


In 2020 covid happened and suddenly people were not letting us in their homes anymore and our sales nearly instantly came to a halt.


This led me to start letting people go. Little did I know that it was a blessing in disguise.


A couple months later it was only my assistant and myself that remained and a couple months after that I gave up the office and went back to working from home.


Not only did the stress almost instantly end, but my profitably increased by a multiple. We are now making 2-3x what we were as a bigger business, but with no stress.


More importantly, I took all my time back. I now had all the time I wanted to workout, spend time with my daughter, read, vacation and do all the things I enjoyed.


I figured out how to run and extremely profitable and simple real estate investing business while living the life I wanted to live. And that didn’t include being stuck in an office everyday.


In fact, I’ve since named it Super Simple Wholesaling. It’s the exact system my students and I use to wholesale countless deals in record time, often working just a couple hours per day. 


I’ve kept this strategy a bit of a secret up until recently. But as many of my students are now having success with it, I see how much it’s helping and how much others need it.


And therefore I opened it to the public.



Super Simple Wholesaling Course Mark Lane

The Simple, Powerful System To Make Loads Of Cash In The Shortest Time Possible, Without EVER Risking Any Of Your Own Money Or Credit

This is the exact system I personally use in my business to consistently make tens of thousands of dollars every month on repeat and now I am offering it to you so you can do the same!

Admittedly, I run things a little differently than most real estate millionaires. I don’t have a huge staff. Instead I only have one assistant, my stepdaughter.


I don’t have a fancy office. Just a small desk, chair and scanner/ copier, at my house.


And I don’t work a crazy amount of hours. Only about 4 Hours a day on average.


And I make on average $500,000- $800,000 per year.


I don’t tell you this to brag… at all.


I tell you to hammer home the point that I intentionally simplified this business. A business model so simple that literally anyone can do it.


It wasn’t long ago that I had the business model that most people think they want, until they actually do it. I was trying to scale. We got up to doing over 100 deals per year and Millions in revenue.


But our overhead skyrocketed with it. With the increase in deals, came an increase in the amount of people needed to completed the deals. Our overhead jumped from something very modest to over $65,000 per month which was causing my stress and anxiety of making payroll each week.


On top of that, there was drama in the office as we added more employees.


None of it is what I signed up for. I just wanted a way to make more money, lower my stress, and have more fun in life.


In 2020 covid happened and suddenly people were not letting us in their homes anymore and our sales nearly instantly came to a halt. This let me to start letting people go. Little did I know that it was a blessing in disguise.


A couple months later it was only my assistant and myself that remained and a couple months after that I gave up the office and went back to working from home.


Not only did the stress almost instantly end, but my profitably increased by a multiple. We are now making 2-3x what we were as a bigger business, but with no stress.


More importantly, I took all my time back. I now had all the time I wanted to workout, spend time with my daughter, read, vacation and do all the things I enjoyed.


I figured out how to run and extremely profitable and simple real estate investing business while living the life I wanted to live. And that didn’t include being stuck in an office everyday.


In fact, I’ve since named it Super Simple Wholesaling. It’s the exact system I use to wholesale my deals in under an hour and work on average just a few hours per day.


I’ve kept this strategy a bit of a secret up until recently. But as many of my students are now having success with it, I see how much it’s helping and how much others need it.


And therefore I opened it to the public.



Super Simple Wholesaling Course Mark Lane
The Simple, Powerful System To Make Loads Of Cash In The Shortest Time Possible, Without EVER Risking Any Of Your Own Money Or Credit
This is the exact system I personally use in my business to consistently make thousands of dollars every month on repeat and now I am offering it to you so you can do the same!

Here's What You Get:

As a member of Super Simple Wholesaling you get literally EVERYTHING I do and have as part of my business. Nothing left out.

ALL of the same spreadsheets, tools, mailers, contacts and more that I use to make over $500,000 per year, you now get access to for just $97/m.

Here's a quick look inside…

50 videos going over each part of how to complete a successful wholesale deal. Everything from how to build a buyers list, to how to navigate the appointment, to how to sell the contract to your buyers, to the closing process and how to know whether to assign or double close your deal.

The purchase agreement and assignment of contract that I have used to make millions. You get the Super Simple Purchase Agreement that took me years to come up with. It’s a simple one page agreement that is easy for you AND the seller to understand. Confusion kills deals. And this eliminates confusion.

The three documents I take to each appointment. It’s all you’ll ever need. You’ll go into each appointment locked and loaded knowing exactly what to bring and what needs signed.

Example of the folder and business cards I use to set myself up as a professional. I even include the contact that designed them for me so you can hire the same person. This Branding approach will set you apart from all your competition. Instantly present yourself like a pro.

The same spreadsheet we use to effortlessly manage our pipeline of deals. This spreadsheet includes ALL of the steps my assistant takes to close each deal.

All of the direct mail postcards and lettersthat have generated us millions of dollars. Our direct mail has been our best performer for years straight. In fact last year we had over 600% ROI on our direct mail. That means for every $1 we spent we made over $6 back. Amazing!

Our millionaire marketing spreadsheet that tracks all your lead generation efforts and tells you exactly how you’re performing. This alone is worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. The MOST important thing in your business is Lead Generation and this tool tracks all of your Lead Generations efforts.

You also get access to the Super Simple Wholesaling Facebook group. Here you can ask any questions to help you quickly overcome any obstacles. You also get to network and learn from others in the group.

As a BONUS I even include a Proof of Funds letter that you can generate anytime. This way you’re NEVER cut out of a deal that requires you to provide a proof of funds.

When you sign up you get immediate access to all the training, tools and Facebook group.

All you need to do is click this button above or below and enter your information. You’ll then receive the confirmation email of your purchase along with an email with directions and links to the training and Facebook page.


From there, your credit card will get billed on the same day each month. There is no contract. You can cancel anytime.


Stay in it for just one month and steal the thousands of dollars worth of tools I have for you or stay for longer and let me help you make much, much more.


Either way, you can’t lose.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Lane Education, All Rights Reserved