
How You Can Hire Me— A Real Estate Multi-Millionaire (to PERSONALLY Coach You To Success)
For Just $9.90 per Day…


How You Can Hire Me

A Real Estate Multi-Millionaire (to PERSONALLY Coach You To Success)
For Just $9.90 per Day…

My Promise - Your Opportunity

In the following paragraphs, I am going to explain how we can work together…


And how you can receive what I believe to be THE BEST training on Lead Generation in the Real Estate Investing Industry.


I almost always turn down coaching opportunities. I have to.


When I consistently churn profits of $20,000, $30,000 and $50,000 (sometimes in less than an hour), why would I coach someone for six months for $5,000-$10,000? It’d be a terrible use of my time, no matter how much I like doing it.


But I made a promise to myself years ago. Back when I was struggling like crazy to do my first deal.


Back when the first seminar I went to was trying to charge me $30,000+ for some education (which I couldn’t afford).


I made a promise that once I got myself out of the hellish struggle and into a place of prosperity and abundance that I’d teach others how to do it too.


I made a promise that I’d figure out a way to make it affordable to anyone that was willing to put forth the effort.


And most of all, I made a promise that I wouldn’t hold anything back like all the “gurus” do…


Well… I did it!


I became financially free, paid off all my debts (and my house), stacked enough cash to last half of my lifetime, and own enough rental properties to pay me for the rest of my life.




I started doing some coaching and helped many students do their first deal, and some go on to quit their jobs and become full-time real estate investors.


✔️ Check!


And finally, launched a book teaching Lead Generation strategies for less than $20.


✔️ Check!


But I knew people needed more…


They needed the tactical, specific, hands-on type of help and they weren’t getting it. And they needed support from someone that had been through it all.


People needed something different. And all the “gurus” were teaching the wrong thing!


All the so-called experts and Gurus are teaching the exit strategy. They teach how to wholesale, how to fix and flip, and how to build a rental portfolio.


All that is the easy stuff!! When you get a great deal almost any exit strategy works. Shoot! I can teach you how to wholesale (sell) the deal in less than 3 steps and less than 3 minutes. That’s a cakewalk.


What do people need, you ask!?

They need to master Lead Generation. Lead Generation is what gets you paidNOT the exit strategy.


Mastering Lead Generation is like a river of money you control, flowing into your bank account over and over again.

Real Estate is a LEAD GENERATION Business First

Real Estate is a LEAD GENERATION Business First

When you master Lead Generation the real estate God’s will shine down before you the golden path. Okay, maybe a little dramatic. But you should get the point.


When you truly master lead generation you own the market. You control leads at will.


The amount of money you make should almost be illegal. We are talking five and six figure checks regularly.


Ask any top producer in any market and they will tell you all their focus is on Lead Generation. It is their Golden Goose that lays the Golden Eggs.


When you master Lead Generation you are no longer trying to “find a deal”.


No! Instead you either have a clear path to get the deal. Or, the deals come to you.


Yes! You know exactly how to set it all up so there is no longer guess work.


When you have a Lead Generation system, you have three separate systems in place…


  • Your Prospecting System.
  • Your Marketing System.
  • Your Networking System


Every deal you could possibly do falls into one of those three systems.


And the whole point of a system is to take the guesswork out of it.


That’s what mastering Lead Generation looks like. You are in full control and have full confidence that the deals will continue flowing in. Like a river of money flowing into your bank account over and over again.


Wouldn’t that be a lot better than “hoping” you find a deal? Gosh, I hope so.


If that interests you, read on.

If YOU want to work with me, read this next part, carefully...

If YOU want to work with me, read this next part, carefully...

I very recently opened enrollment to The Lead Generation Academy.


This is a coaching group with 100% focus on helping you generate more leads… more leads equals more deals and more deals equals more profits.


Each month I personally coach you on a different Lead Generation strategy.


Can you imagine, learning from a multi-millionaire investor all his secrets of…

I very recently opened enrollment to The Lead Generation Academy.


This is a coaching group with 100% focus on helping you generate more leads… more leads equals more deals and more deals equals more profits.


Each month I personally coach you on a different Lead Generation strategy.


Can you imagine, learning from a multi-millionaire investor all his secrets of…

You will learn EVERYTHING I have done and am currently doing.


You get to learn ALL of my tips, tricks and strategies directly from me and can apply them immediately.


Now you can learn directly from me, a multi-millionaire, and do exactly as I’m doing. I am willing to teach you EVERYTHING I know.


And you can join for just $9.90 per day. The price of a cheap lunch.

Join the Lead Generation Academy Today!

Everything You Need to Operate a Million-Dollar Real Estate Business

When you join us in the Lead Generation Academy, you get direct access to me where I’ll answer all of your questions.


We meet twice per month through Zoom meetings where there is some teaching, sharing of success stories, and open Q&A. So you are never left in the dark. Many of the students love this part for its support and accountability.


You also get access to The Lead Generation Facebook Group where you can post any questions and get them answered so you can keep moving forward.


You will get access to your own member portal where there will be a full suite of videos helping you with every part of real estate outside of the Lead Generation. In this portal will be all the direct mail pieces, forms, trackers, and marketing pieces I use in my own business!


You will even get the vendors I use for my CRM, Web Development, Mailing Lists, PPC Ads, Design, and more.


Literally, everything I use to operate a million-dollar business will be in there.


And best of all. You will get a New Lead Generation Strategy sent to your doorstep each month.


Each lesson will be a detailed approach so you can skip the 13 years it took me to acquire the same skillset. You can learn and apply with ease.

🎁 My Gift to You for Joining Today 🎁

If you act now, I’ll even throw in Automatic Wealth for FREE. This is a training going over all of my wealth building strategies. The exact strategies that took me from a broke and desperate factory worker to a multi-millionaire.

You get it FREE for being a person of action (a $997 Value).


No matter what goes on in my market I keep doing multiple deals each and every month. And I do this because I mastered Lead Generation.


It doesn’t matter what my competition is doing. I keep getting leads and deals. Each and every month. Regularly netting me $500,000 to $1,000,000 each year.


And now you can gain control of your own destiny from mastering the skillset of Lead Generation.


Here’s what to do now if you are committed to investing into yourself and your future.

Click the Join Now Button Below.


Once you join you are going to get an email confirming your membership access.


You will also be provided a link to join The Lead Generation Academy Facebook Group.


In this same email you are going to get the link and access to your backend portal that will have all the training and bonuses.


You can access it immediately.


Then, you will be sent your special welcome package by mail welcoming you as a member of The Lead Generation Academy and the Mark Lane Education Family.




Super Simple Wholesaling

This is the exact system I personally use in my business to consistently make thousands of dollars every month on repeat and now I am offering it to you so you can do the same!

🎁 My Gift to You for Joining Today 🎁

If you act now, I’ll even throw in Automatic Wealth for FREE. This is a training going over all of my wealth building strategies. The exact strategies that took me from a broke and desperate factory worker to a multi-millionaire.

You get it FREE for being a person of action (a $997 Value).


No matter what goes on in my market I keep doing multiple deals each and every month. And I do this because I mastered Lead Generation.


It doesn’t matter what my competition is doing. I keep getting leads and deals. Each and every month. Regularly netting me $500,000 to $1,000,000 each year.


And now you can gain control of your own destiny from mastering the skillset of Lead Generation.


Here’s what to do now if you are committed to investing into yourself and your future.

Click the Join Now Button Below.


Once you join you are going to get an email confirming your membership access.


You will also be provided a link to join The Lead Generation Academy Facebook Group.


In this same email you are going to get the link and access to your backend portal that will have all the training and bonuses.


You can access it immediately.


Then, you will be sent your special welcome package by mail welcoming you as a member of The Lead Generation Academy and the Mark Lane Education Family.




Super Simple Wholesaling

This is the exact system I personally use in my business to consistently make thousands of dollars every month on repeat and now I am offering it to you so you can do the same!

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